
Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Cape May, NJ

Had plans to go to Batsto today with some friends. On our way there, the main road to the park was closed. After driving around in circles for a while, we finally made it...just to find out, Batsto is also closed due to flooding! Well, we ended up heading to Cape May instead! The weather was awesome, so none of us minded the detour!

This one's for Mandee & Randy! (I did not carve into this was already there)

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Bruce the Cat!

Here's a pet I don't photograph too often-- he tends to run to me when I kneel down to take a photo so I can pet him (so needy!). Anyway, this is Bruce, my cat (aka: Batman!-- yes..I did name him after batman!). He's one awesome cat!

Monday, August 29, 2011

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Hurricane Irene Clean Up

The hurricane hit while we were all sleeping. How did I wake up? -- To the sound of a foot splashing in the carpet in the basement! Aside from wet carpet and some non important items, there wasn't too much damage, so we were very lucky. What else would I use for my photos of the day?! The last one was taken just a few hours after we (the boys) finished the clean up-- what a weekend!!

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Rainy Day Photos

Well, I missed a day, but my excuse is that Fridays are busy days for me. If you live on the east coast (which I assume you all do because I highly doubt anyone else reads this blog) then you know we have a hurricane this weekend. I'm hanging out at the D house, but I was kind of bored...until I picked up my camera. I'm making up for my missing day by posting 3 photos. Mia (the dog) has been hanging out with us all night--she's not a fan of storms. I just love these two of her and the one of Randy reading. Rainy days can be fun with the right people!

Thursday, August 25, 2011

A Photo A Day!

Well, I made it two days with this, so that's encouraging. Here's a image of the figs that grow in the backyard of the D house! This fig tree has been in the D family for 4 or more generations--pretty impressive! I can not wait for a branch of it to become my own fig tree!

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

A photo a day!

In order to keep myself busy every day, and with the help of my boyfriend, Randy, we came up with this idea of a photo a day. Every day I will find something to photograph, whether it is an everyday thing around the house, or a place I've never been. We'll see if I can keep up with this, because this also means, in theory, I would post everyday. This might turn into a weekly photo thing, but I'll give it my best shot. This is a shot actually not taken today--I'm cheating for the first one. However, I liked this a lot, and it was only a couple of days ago. The liquid in the bottles is homemade Limocello
